6 Bulan Company Wellness Program. Program kesehatan karyawan untuk perusahaan anda!

6 Bulan Company Wellness Program. Program kesehatan karyawan untuk perusahaan anda! Lihat Detail

Workout ideas to get started

Confused on what kind of workout to do during this pandemic? Without the gym, you can always get stronger, leaner and boost your confidence by exercising at the comfort of your own home. You don’t need any specific equipment, but you can always add a little bit of weight if you want something more challenging.

Start with a body weight workout, where you don’t need any equipment and you can do it anytime and anywhere. Body weight workout such as squats, lateral lunges, and push-ups are simple to do and will show results if done properly. It is also great to increase your heart rate by doing cardio such as high knees, jumping jacks, and mountain climbers. If you want more challenge, pick up some weights or use a water bottle filled with water for workouts such as reverse flys or bent-over rows to work your back.

When you’re ready to do them all together you can create your own workout. Pick five to six moves and do each for 30 – 45 seconds, resting for 15-30 seconds in-between moves. Repeat the same five to six moves you’ve chosen 3-5 sets. Do the circuit 3-5 times for any time period that you think you could do with a good form.

Circuit workout example:

  • Bodyweight Squats – 45 seconds
  • Lunges -  45 seconds
  • Push-ups – 45 seconds
  • Crunches – 45 seconds
  • Mountain Climbers – 45 seconds
  • Do three to five times depending on your fitness level.

Another option of home workout you can do is join Zoom live online class with a list of different variety of workout that you can choose and follow everyday that doesn’t require any special equipment. Each workout is designed to help alleviate stress and elevate your mood.

Have fun working out!